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Pakistan Chinese gwadar port shipment the first batch of Chinese cargo ships at sea

Reuters reported, local time, on November 13, Pakistan's gwadar port of departure, Chinese ports including the Pakistani prime minister nawaz sharif, the army chief of staff, shearer and Chinese ambassador to Pakistan wei-dong sun, China and Pakistan officials witnessed the first Chinese merchant ships from gwadar to sea. The coupling in western China and the Arabian sea port will be $46 billion (RMB 313.2 billion), an important part of the china-pakistan economic corridor.

"Today marks the dawn of a new era." The global times quoted Pakistani prime minister nawaz sharif said in the opening ceremony of the speech, "we will doing everything possible to ensure one thousand china-pakistan economic corridor and its related engineering fall to the ground at the appointed time."

According to the Chinese embassy in Pakistan's website, Chinese ambassador to Pakistan wei-dong sun said in a speech to the ceremony, this is the first successful trade team from north to south across Pakistan's western region, it shows that the local road has achieved preliminary unicom, "a corridor, multi-channel" concept is gradually become a reality. It's gwadar first large-scale overseas export containers, display gwadar port has returned to design capacity.

The global times reported that the first aircraft from gwadar sailing ship is cosco shipping "Wellington" cargo ship, the ship will sail to the united Arab emirates and other countries, the future gwadar fixed docking stations will be the vessel.

After about 50 trucks of china-pakistan economic corridor united trade team from xinjiang kashgar, along the heavily guarded china-pakistan economic corridor arrived in baluchistan, on November 12, arrived at gwadar port. The Pakistani government 12, issued a statement, said the arrival of the Chinese team is "a watershed event". Wei-dong sun said, this is the first time china-pakistan cooperation organization business team after arrived at gwadar in Pakistan.

Ap 13 reported that Chinese ships from the strait of malacca to the Arabian sea and the Indian Ocean, now China has been looking for more convenient and reliable estuaries. And gwadar port is located in the Arabian sea coast, occupies a strategic position between the South Asia, central Asia and the Middle East. Near the port is still in the throat of the Persian gulf, is apart from the global oil transportation route the strait of hormuz only about 400 kilometers.

Balochistan province, however, is also facing security problems. According to the Associated Press, a local temple 12 just encounter attack, killing at least 52 people were killed. Extreme organization "islamic country" (IS) announced responsible for it. AFP said Sunday, baluchistan province mineral resources, extremist groups also seek share their interests.

According to agence france-presse reported Monday, Pakistani prime minister nawaz sharif in gwadar, said in the Chinese ports to the foreign investors to provide the best protection, make sure that they can for international trade. For workers' safety, the military will set up a special forces, security trade routes and ports.

Had been in The Times of India reported in September, Pakistan has sent more than 14000 security guards, protection is china-pakistan economic corridor of more than 7000 Chinese people, an average of 2 people protect one Chinese, in defense from balochistan nationalists and taliban attacks.(Source: shipping information network